Connecticut’s Birding Organization
The Connecticut Ornithological Association is the only statewide organization devoted to birds and birding in Connecticut. Since its founding in 1981, its membership has grown to well over 500 people who range from beginning birders to professional ornithologists.

COA is an all volunteer organization with the mission of promoting interest in Connecticut birds, and collecting, preparing, and disseminating the best available scientific information on the status of Connecticut birds and their habitats. While COA is not primarily an advocacy organization, we work actively to provide scientific information and to support other conservation organizations in the state.
- COA publishes quarterly the highly regarded journal, The Connecticut Warbler, and the newsletter, COA Bulletin (see recent publications)
- Each year the COA Annual Membership Meeting is held to conduct Association business and to present educational and entertaining programs by regional and national speakers. At the meeting, COA presents awards for outstanding service and funds mini-grants that specifically benefit the avian wildlife in our state.
- Additionally, various workshops and lectures are held throughout the year.
- COA provides a free, public, moderated email listserv, CTBirds, as a vehicle to communicate about significant bird sightings throughout the state.
- An organ of COA, the Avian Records Committee of Connecticut (ARCC), maintains the official state list of bird species and adjudicates submitted records of species new or rare in Connecticut.
- Four officers — a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer — as well as a board of directors with 18 members oversee the day-to-day functions of the association and its many committees.
The many talented people who make COA work are dedicated to promoting ornithology in our state and to making Connecticut birding the best it can be. These individuals make COA the leader in the world of birding in Connecticut.
The only requirements for membership in COA is an interest in birds and an ability to enjoy yourself! Do you qualify? Then JOIN US!
Board of Directors
Click here for the current Board of Directors.
COA Brochure