Announcing Summer Bird Counts 2025

Organizer Tom Robben has announced the 2025 Summer Bird Count dates in Connecticut as confirmed by all SBC compilers for this year. The Summer Bird Count is conducted in a similar way as the Christmas Bird Count by counting all the individual birds in a prescribed area. For this count, participants may rely more on hearing birds than seeing them since vegetation can reduce visibility. Most counts also are held over 2 days rather than a single day. Results will be posted in COA’s journal The Connecticut Warbler. Please contact the area Compiler if you want to participate. 

1st WEEKEND: MAY 31 – JUNE 01

• Woodbury-Roxbury. Contact: Russ Naylor, 44 Church St., Woodbury, CT 06798; 203-841-7779. (both May 31 and ​June 1, but June ​1 preferred).


• Hartford. Contact: Jay Kaplan, 71 Gracey Rd., Canton, CT 06019; 860-693-0157 and cell 860-707-5246,

• Greenwich-Stamford. Contact: Thomas Burke, 235 Highland Rd., Rye, NY 10580; 914 967-4922,, and Gary Palmer, 34 Field Rd., Cos Cob, CT 06830; 203 661-4897,

• New Haven. Contact: Steve Mayo, 27 Tuttle Court, Bethany, CT 06524; 203 551-1707 or 203-772-9842, 

• Litchfield Hills. Contact: David Tripp Jr., 97 Hunter Court, Torrington, CT 06790;

3rd WEEKEND: JUNE 14-15

• Storrs. Contact: Steve Morytko, 288 Varga Rd., Ashford, CT 06278; 860 680-5728,

4th WEEKEND: JUNE 21-22 

• New Milford / Pawling. Contact: Angela Dimmitt, PO Box 146, Sherman, CT 06784; 860 355-3429, 

5th WEEKEND: JUNE 27-28 

• Barkhamsted. Contact: Dave Rosgen, This email may change soon, so text messaging to 959-202-8996 is preferred. Participants for Barkhamsted should report all their SBC findings into eBird checklists, where Dave will retrieve them and compile the count. Backup contact for this SBC is Bianca Beland at or text her at 860-485-5776.