Chris Elphick, University of Connecticut
Where are the birds, and how do we protect them: Results from the Connecticut Bird Atlas
This talk will provide an overview of the results of the Connecticut Bird Atlas, a preview of the forthcoming Birds of Connecticut website, and a discussion of the conservation implications of the project.
Chris Elphick is a professor of conservation biology in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut. His research centers around describing, understanding, and mitigating biodiversity loss. He has been studying birds in Connecticut since 2002, and his lab group has conducted research on birds in tidal marsh, forest fragments, farmland, and montane shrublands. His research has been published in scientific journals and books He is also one of the lead investigators for the Connecticut Bird Atlas.

Peter Alden
The current status of the AOS possible renaming of 150+ common names of US and Canadian birds
Peter Alden is a world renowned naturalist, lecturer, ecotourism guide and author from Concord, Massachusetts. Included among his many books on North American and African wildlife are the National Audubon Society’s Regional Field Guide Series. He is considered to be an authority on birds and larger mammals of the world and is often consulted by the media and the ecotourism industry for his expertise. He has pioneered biodiversity days and bioblitzes in his home state and led wildlife tours to more than 100 countries around the world. His insight on the renaming of bird species is sure to enlighten and entertain.

Richard Moncrief, Zeiss Sports Optics
How to Interest Young Kids In Birding
Representing our premier lead sponsor Zeiss, Richard will give a brief presentation created for adults that offers some simple ideas to get younger children, ages 5 to 10, interested in birds.
Be inspired to bring up the next generation to become even better birders than ourselves!

Keynote Speakers: Lillian Stokes and Matthew Young
Finches of the United States and Canada
Talk and Book signing on the new ground-breaking guide, The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada
From backyards to wilderness peaks, finches are one of the most exciting, mysterious, and beloved groups of songbirds. In this lively, information-packed talk Lillian Stokes, best-selling author of 35 Stokes guides, and finch expert Matthew Young will introduce you to the 43 finches of the United States and Canada from feeder-favorite goldfinches to Red Crossbill tribes, to least known mountain-top Black Rosy-Finches to endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers. Based on the book The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada, ranked one of the best bird books of 2024 by ABA, the talk will cover finch identification, language, behavior, irruptions, how to conserve finches, and more. Infused throughout with quotes from the creative Quick Take chapter intros, filled with interesting facts, scientific knowledge, and stunning photos, this talk will leave you understanding so much more about the finches you thought you knew.
About Lillian Stokes
Lillian Stokes is an award-winning author and photographer who produced 35 Stokes Guides with her husband Don, selling over 5 million copies including the bestselling Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America, the Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Eastern and Western Regions, the Stokes Beginner’s Guide to Birds, the Stokes Nature Guides, and the Stokes Backyard Nature Books. Lillian was producer and cohost of two national PBS birdwatching TV series seen by 40 million viewers. Other achievements and activities include; Federal Duck Stamp Judge, Partners in Flight National Conservation Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award Kappa Kappa Gamma, Board of Directors of the Hawk Migration Association of North America, Nuttall Ornithological Club, former Board member NH Audubon.
About Matthew Young
Matthew Young is the Founder and Board President of the Finch Research Network. Matthew has also worked in the field of social work with special needs populations at the William George Agency for 12 years. Additionally, Matthew worked at the Cornell Lab across 15 years where he worked on Golden-winged Warblers, Voices of Hawaii’s Birds, Merlin Bird ID, and was Project Lead on the Lab’s first Irruptive Finch Survey in 1999. Widely known as a preeminent authority on finches of North America, Matthew has written finch species accounts for breeding bird atlases, Birds of the World accounts, and published several papers on finches and the Red Crossbill vocal complex.
ADVANCE BOOK REVIEWS The Stokes Guide to Finches of the United States and Canada
Brilliantly conceived, magnificently illustrated, and full of information that any birder would devour, it would not surprise me if this unique guide earns the rank of top bird book of 2024. My opinion.” John Kricher, author of Peterson Reference Guide to Bird Behavior
“WOW! This gorgeously illustrated, rigorously researched, beautifully written field guide is ground-breaking! This is THE most comprehensive and engrossing book I have ever read on these fascinating, flashy, important birds. It really knocks my sox off! “Sy Montgomery, author of Birdology and The Hummingbirds’ Gift”In this new volume — detailed, accurate, and beautifully illustrated, like every Stokes guide — Lillian Stokes, a gifted communicator about the natural world, joins forces with finch expert Matthew Young to provide an essential reference for everyone curious about birds.”Kenn Kaufman, author of The Birds That Audubon Missed and Kaufman Field Guides