COA Annual Meeting – Saturday, March 20, 2021
10AM – 12:15 PM online via Zoom
Hello Birders!
The Connecticut Ornithological Association’s 37th Annual Meeting will be held virtually this year, via a Zoom Webinar, on Saturday, March 20th from 10 AM to 12:15 PM. Following the business portion of the meeting, including elections, awards, and reports, our featured speaker Scott Weidensaul will present “A World of Wings: Migratory Birds on a Changing Planet.”
You are invited to register and pay ($10) for the annual meeting by clicking on this link:
(Link No Longer Valid)
When registering, follow the prompts. To complete the payment, you may choose PayPal, a credit card, or a debit card (you may need to scroll down to see the credit/debit option). Once the payment is complete, you will receive instructions at your registered email about how to join the annual meeting webinar. Save that message, as you will need it to join the meeting on March 20th.
Follow-up reminders will also be sent one week, one day, and one hour prior to the Webinar. You will receive a refund automatically if you are unable to join the meeting or if you cancel in advance.
Click here for the Annual Meeting Agenda
A World of Wings: Migratory Birds on a Changing Planet
Keynote speaker:
Scott Weidensaul, author, field researcher, and Pulitzer Prize finalist

Scott Weidensaul’s talk will be based on his forthcoming book A World on the Wing – The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds. The author and researcher will take us around the globe:
- with researchers in the lab probing the limits of what migrating birds can do
- to the shores of the Yellow Sea in China,
- to the remote mountains of northeastern India where tribal villages saved the greatest gathering of falcons on the planet
- to the Mediterranean, where activists and police battle bird poachers
— to learn how people are fighting to understand and save the world’s great bird migrations.
Scott Weidensaul is the author of nearly 30 books on natural history, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist Living on the Wind, Return to Wild America and The First Frontier. Weidensaul is a contributing editor for Audubon, a columnist for Bird Watcher’s Digest and writes for a variety of other publications, including Living Bird. He is also an active field researcher, studying saw-whet owl migration for more than two decades, as well as winter hummingbirds, bird migration in Alaska, and the winter movements of snowy owls through Project SNOWstorm, which he co-founded.
To learn more about Scott and his latest book, click http://www.
We hope you can join us for this exciting virtual event, and we certainly hope to meet in person next year.
Connecticut Ornithological Association