Connecticut Ornithological Association Mini-Grant Information
To view recent Mini-Grant Recipients, click here.
Mini-grant application forms are available for download as either a MS Word document or an Adobe PDF and should be used for final submission to the committee.
Purpose: The purpose of the COA Mini-Grant committee is to help fund and support initiatives within the state of Connecticut which specifically benefit the avian wildlife in our state and opportunities for public observation and enjoyment of those natural resources. It has always been part of COA’s mission to reach out to all of those in Connecticut who appreciate our state’s birds and support bird management/conservation initiatives whenever possible.
Guidelines: Listed below are some general guidelines which applicants should review before submitting their applications (please scroll all the way for additional changes for 2025 applications):
- All award decisions will be finalized by March 1st of each calendar year and announced at the COA annual meeting of that calendar year. Applications for a COA Mini-Grant may be submitted at any time of the year, but any applications received after Jan. 15 will not be eligible for consideration for the March 1st awards of that calendar year. Those received after Jan 15 will be added to the pool of applications for the following calendar year.
- We do not accept applications for purchase of binoculars or other optical equipment.
- COA Board members and officers will not be eligible to apply. Conflicts of interest between COA board members/officers and grant applicants will be handled by the committee on a case by case basis.
- Grants may be in any amount up to a maximum award of $1,000 to any one recipient.
- More than one grant may be awarded, but the total disbursement by the committee in any year will be no more than $7,500 (unless additional funds are authorized by the Board).
- All grant awards will be decided by the Mini-Grant committee by means of a simple majority vote, following committee members’ preliminary ranking and opportunity to advocate for specific proposals to the committee. The Committee will meet after votes are cast to discuss ranking decisions.
- To be considered, all Mini-Grant proposals need to demonstrate some benefit to birds and/or birding in Connecticut.
- A follow-up report within one calendar year of grant disbursement is required of all those awarded grants as specified in the application form.
- Preference will be given to new applicants. Grant awards may be limited to two consecutive years per applicant. Even in the case of multi-year awards, a separate application needs to be submitted each year.
- An applicant need not be a member of COA to apply.
- The COA must be credited in any publicity resulting from any initiative funded either wholly, or in part, with funds from the COA.
- All decisions of the committee shall be final.
Please note the following additional changes for 2025 Applications:
- Proposals for nesting or roosting boxes of any kind must include a list of planned measures to be taken for maintenance and for predator exclusion. Examples include baffles, hole guards, extra boxes for House Sparrows, etc. Proposals should also demonstrate an understanding of nest box requirements and appropriate placement for said species.
- **Applications for Chimney Swift towers are temporarily suspended until we have evidence that Chimney Swifts are successfully using manmade towers in Connecticut.
- **Barn Owl boxes will be considered on a case-by-case basis due to state-listed status.
- Proposals for bird feeders or baths should include plans for cleaning and maintenance, to help prevent the spread of diseases.
- Applications for banding materials should include a copy of the USGS permit for that specific project, along with the master bander’s contact information if they are not directly applying for the funds themselves.
Application Submissions (email preferred):
Please email your Application to coa-minigrants@googlegroups.com by January 15, 2025 for Committee to review during this cycle.
Applications may also be mailed to:
Connecticut Ornithological Association
Attn: Mini-Grant Committee
314 Unquowa Road
Fairfield, CT 06824