Here is Connecticut Ornithological Association’s preliminary 2022 Workshop and Events Schedule. All dates, leaders, presenters, and topics are subject to change. Watch the COA website ( for updates.
Currently, all workshop presentations and meetings are expected to be by Zoom, with guided field trips for seasonal birding workshops. Participants in public gatherings are encouraged to practice appropriate COVID protocols.
Please reach out to COA with any questions or suggestions regarding our Workshops Program: .
Best wishes for a healthy and birdy New Year from the COA Workshop Committee
Best wishes for a healthy and birdy New Year from the COA Workshop Committee
Chris Wood
Allison Black
Chris Loscalzo
Angela Dimmit

January – Big January
David Provencher, coordinator. A friendly competition to score as many species as possible. Prizes! Details here:
February – Mega Bowl of Birding
Chris Loscalzo, coordinator. A one-day challenge to observe as many species as possible in one county. Scheduled date: February 5, 2022. Prizes!
March – COA Annual Meeting
Likely another Zoom meeting, but again with an exciting speaker and updates on COA activities and plans. Details coming soon.
March/Early April – Gull Workshop (CANCELLED)
May – Warbler Workshop
Chris Wood, speaker. A repeat of last year’s popular presentation, but this year followed by several field trips at warbler hot spots, with expert guides. Field trip capacity may be limited by location, so watch for announcements and be ready to sign up. Tentative dates: Zoom presentation and field trips mid-May.
June/July – Summer Bird Bird Counts and Vacation Time
SBCs are great – no snow! And with the conclusion of the Connecticut Bird Atlas project, we can go about observing late breeding activities and hummingbird antics at our leisure.
We may consider a Birding-by-Ear Workshop or another topic if we discern enough interest. Again, feel free to offer suggestions:
August –Shorebird Workshop
Patrick Comins, speaker. No matter how often you’ve attended this, there’s always more to learn from Patrick’s expert and engaging presentations, this again by Zoom. To be followed by a series of field trips at shorebird hot spots along the coast. Again, field trip attendee limits may be imposed, so watch for early announcements. Dates TBD.
September – Raptor Workshops
Field trips at Lighthouse Point and Quaker Ridge with Steve Mayo, Ryan MacLean or other experts. Watch for details.
October – Sparrow Workshop
Chris Loscalzo, speaker. COA resident workshop maven again presents his sparrow class by Zoom, followed by several field workshops around the state. Very popular last year, and with possible limits on field trip participants, be ready to sign up early. Zoom presentation 10/22; field trips 10/23.
November – Birds and the Environment Science Conference
Tom Robben, Coordinator. An informative and engaging series of presentations about current bird-related research and scientific activities, emphasizing volunteer efforts by birders. Scheduled for November 5, beginning at 9:30 AM by Zoom. Organized by COA President Tom Robben; watch for details this Fall.
November – Winter Waterfowl OR Dabbling/Diving Duck Workshop
Chris Loscalzo, speaker. Chris will reach out for preferences for this workshop. Zoom presentation followed by field trips at several promising locations.
December – Christmas Bird Counts
Everyone is too busy with CBC’s and year end year-list loose ends to present or attend workshops. Happy Holidays.