CTBirds Moderators changing-of-the-guard on 09/01/2021


CTBirds is the Connecticut birding community’s place for rare bird alerts and birding discussions.  This mailing list is one of the most important services the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) provides.

Dear Birders,

Roy Harvey has been running our CTbirds listserv as the primary moderator non-stop since he helped get it started in 2007.

Roy began his work for Connecticut birding when he started taking over the daily rare bird report from Dori Sosenksy in 2004.  He handled that solo for many years until its demise in 2015.  But it was this CTBirds mailing list that he helped establish in 2007, and moderated since, that has been
his greatest contribution.

The participation of Connecticut birders has made CTBirds the success it has been, and Roy’s stewardship has been key to that success.  Roy will be retiring from his full time moderating duties at the end of August.  Let’s thank Roy for all those years of non-stop service to Connecticut birders!
Roy, you have done an extraordinary job supporting one of COA’s most essential services.  Thank you!

Chuck Imbergamo will be taking over from Roy as moderator on September 1, 2021, so let’s welcome Chuck to this crucial job!   Chuck is a long-time Connecticut birder (sparked by a 1970s Great Gray Owl) and is enthusiastic about helping COA and Connecticut birders by moderating the CTBirds
listserv.  Thank you, Chuck.

Roy and Chuck have been overlapping closely for the last two months, so Chuck is already hitting the ground running.

Less visibly but equally important, Steve Morytko manages back-end support for CTBirds, COA’s website and membership services, and many other COA IT-related resources. Thank you, Steve.

CTBirds is a free service supported by COA members.  Please consider joining COA if you are not already a member.

Tom Robben  and  Chris Wood
President and Vice President