Brought to you by Connecticut Ornithological Association
Hartford Audubon Society: Daylight Saving Bird-a-thon
March 9
FreeMarch 9, 2025 – Daylight Saving Bird-a-Thon Sun All Day
All of Hartford County
Join Hartford Audubon for a fun one-day birding competition to celebrate the return of Daylight Saving Time! Form teams of 2-4 people, dress up and name them with a smile in mind. Compete and report results. One point for every species, 2 points for every species found on a HAS sanctuary and 10 bonus points if you have a new birder on the team. At the end of the day we’ll get together for a potluck dinner. Maggie will send out an informational e-mail the week before.
Maggie Peretto –
860-543-1280 T