Brought to you by Connecticut Ornithological Association

Litchfield Hills Audubon Society: Christmas Bird Count 4 Kids

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd,, Litchfield, CT, United States

Children and parents are invited to experience this wholesome family-centered citizen science adventure. We will meet at the White Memorial A.B. Ceder Room (lower floor of the museum building) for a brief orientation. Then we will walk to the feeders outside the museum and around Ongley Pond to count birds by sight, using binoculars, and by ... Read more

Hartford Audubon Society: Station 43 Beginners Bird Walk

Station 43 990 Main St., South Windsor, CT, United States

Mar 1 Station 43 Beginners Bird Walk #3 953 Main St, South Windsor Corner of Newberry Rd and Main St Park along road near intersection. Sat 8 am The third of four morning walks designed for beginners at Hartford Audubon’s oldest sanctuary. Station 43 is an excellent birding area year-round and on each walk we ... Read more
