Storrs Christmas Bird Count
Storrs, CT (CTST) Compiler: Steve Morytko, Please contact Steve if you are interested in participating with this bird count!
Brought to you by Connecticut Ornithological Association
Storrs, CT (CTST) Compiler: Steve Morytko, Please contact Steve if you are interested in participating with this bird count!
Compiler: Robert Buck Please contact Robert if you are interested in participating with this Christmas Bird Count!
Greenwich-Stamford, CT (CTGS) Compiler: Cynthia Ehlinger, 27A Sheephill Road, Riverside, CT 06878 203-219-1963 (Audubon Greenwich) Each year, Audubon Greenwich participates in this annual tradition to monitor winter bird populations throughout the United States and Canada. Teams of birders head out on a predetermined date in December to count as many individual birds as possible in our ... Read more
Dec 15 Christmas Bird Count Sun All DayBird Count Circle7.5-mile radius from Old State HouseJoin Hartford Audubon Members for the nation's longest-running citizen science project to assess population trends of birds during the winter season. For one day, we count birds in a circle around Hartford that is divided into specific areas. Bird an hour ... Read more
Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) in our area this year will take place Sunday, December 15. If you want to help, email Dave Tripp at and he will put you in contact with the captain for your area. At the end of the day, we will gather at a local restaurant to compile our results ... Read more
The Mattabeseck Audubon Society will hold its 50th Annual Christmas Bird Count on Sunday, December 15! The count circle is a 15-mile diameter with the Salmon River Covered Bridge in Colchester as its epicenter. The NAS Christmas Count takes place every year from December 14 through January 5. The data obtained helps researchers to identify ... Read more
Oxford, CT (CTOX) Compiler: Roy Harvey Please contact Roy if you are interested in participating in this Christmas Bird Count!
Quinnipiac Valley, CT (CTQV) Compilers: Melissa Baston, (Quinnipiac Valley Audubon Society)
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024 from 10:00AM – 12:00PM Macricostas Preserve (124 Christian Street, New Preston, CT) Join Steep Rock Association on a 1 ½-mile winter birding excursion through the diverse habitats of Macricostas Preserve. Your eyes, ears, and enthusiasm are needed to collect data for the nation’s longest-running community science bird project, Audubon’s 125th Christmas ... Read more
Children and parents are invited to experience this wholesome family-centered citizen science adventure. We will meet at the White Memorial A.B. Ceder Room (lower floor of the museum building) for a brief orientation. Then we will walk to the feeders outside the museum and around Ongley Pond to count birds by sight, using binoculars, and by ... Read more
Westport, CT (CTWE) Compilers: Chase McCabe, 203-326-0378 and Aidan Kiley, 203-505-2305
Norwich, CT (CTNO) Compiler: Allison Black, Please contact Allison if you would like to participate in this Christmas Bird Count!