Brought to you by Connecticut Ornithological Association

Christmas Bird Count: Napatree RI-CT-NY

Napatree, RI-CT-NY (RINT) Compilers: Shai Mitra, Biology Department, College of Staten Island Glenn Williams If you are interested in participating in this Christmas Bird Count, please contact Shai or Glenn!

Christmas Bird Count: New London

New London, CT (CTNL) Compiler:  Lisa Wahle If you are interested in participating in this Christmas Bird Count, please contact Lisa ahead of count day!

Christmas Bird Count: Bristol

Bristol, CTBR Compiler:  Jack Swatt Please contact Jack if you are interested in participating in Bristol's Christmas Bird Count!

Hartford Audubon: Big January

The Hartford Audubon Society (HAS) is pleased to announce our eighth annual Hartford County Big January of Birding birdwatching challenge. The goal of the activity is to encourage folks to get outside during the month of January and see as many species of wild birds in Hartford County as possible. The competition is free to people ... Read more

Hartford Audubon: Big January

The Hartford Audubon Society (HAS) is pleased to announce our eighth annual Hartford County Big January of Birding birdwatching challenge. The goal of the activity is to encourage folks to get outside during the month of January and see as many species of wild birds in Hartford County as possible. The competition is free to people ... Read more

Hartford Audubon: Big January

The Hartford Audubon Society (HAS) is pleased to announce our eighth annual Hartford County Big January of Birding birdwatching challenge. The goal of the activity is to encourage folks to get outside during the month of January and see as many species of wild birds in Hartford County as possible. The competition is free to people ... Read more

Hartford Audubon: Big January

The Hartford Audubon Society (HAS) is pleased to announce our eighth annual Hartford County Big January of Birding birdwatching challenge. The goal of the activity is to encourage folks to get outside during the month of January and see as many species of wild birds in Hartford County as possible. The competition is free to people ... Read more