Brought to you by Connecticut Ornithological Association

Bird Note

Online CT, United States

BirdNote Daily is a two-minute radio show that combines rich sounds with engaging stories, to illustrate the amazing lives of birds and give listeners a momentary respite from the news of the day. See


CT Audubon Society, Deer Pond Farm: Spring Bird Behaviors

CT Audubon Deer Pond Farm 57 Wakeman Hill Road, Sherman, CT, United States

Deer Pond Farm: Spring Bird Behaviors April 8, 10 a.m. to Noon $5 Members, $10 Non-Members Join Sanctuary Manager/Naturalist Lori Lichtenauer for this program starting in our Deer Pond Farm classroom and ending outside. Lori will describe specialized bird behaviors for spring. This will include how birds manage to complete their harrowing migration journeys, find ... Read more

$5 – $10

CT Audubon Pomfret: Lights Out CT Lecture – Effects of Light Pollution

CT Audubon Center at Pomfret 218 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT, United States

Lights Out Connecticut Lecture The Effects of Light Pollution on Birds, Wildlife, and Humans Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. Our state is located along the Atlantic Flyway, so many birds use our shoreline and green spaces to rest and refuel during their trip north. Artificial light emitted by houses, buildings, streetlights,  bridges, and other ... Read more


Menunkatuck Audubon Society: Protecting Birds Across Their Whole Migratory Paths

Online CT, United States

John Hannan has worked with multiple bird conservation organizations across the Americas. Join us to see his beautiful imagery of our hemisphere’s birds and landscapes while learning about some of the key bird conservation initiatives happening right now across the Americas.  This work, being done by a wide ranging coalition, has become a core part ... Read more

Hartford Audubon Society: Monthly Meeting – Chimney Swifts

St. James’s Episcopal Church 1018 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, CT, United States

Apr 8 - Tue - 7:30 pm Social Time at 7:00 pm St James's Episcopal Church,1018 Farmington Ave, WH Speaker: Bethany Sheffer Chimney Swifts, Unraveling the Mystery and Magic Bats? Birds? Minions of the Underworld? If you have found strange looking birds in your fireplace or heard a deafening cacophony of sounds from inside it, congratulations! You likely have ... Read more


Audubon CT Greenwich: Birding 101 Workshop

Greenwich Audubon 613 Riversville Road, Greenwich, CT, United States

Join naturalist Ryan Maclean for an exciting workshop to learn about birds! During this introduction to Ornithology, and the tools and skills used to study birds, we’ll provide guidance on the identification of birds by sight and sound. This workshop will also cover how to best use binoculars, guides, and online resources that help make ... Read more


Audubon CT Greenwich: Birding by Ear Workshop

Greenwich Audubon 613 Riversville Road, Greenwich, CT, United States

Birds have an unbelievable variety of sounds which they use throughout their lives. Join naturalist Ryan MacLean for a special workshop to learn about helpful techniques used for identifying birds by their beautiful songs as well as how and why they make such incredible sounds. We will start with a slide show presentation and listen ... Read more


Menunkatuck Audubon: Members’ Night

Online CT, United States

Between the photo shows we will have a bird quiz. How well do you know the size of birds? How about bird name anagrams? Can you id birds from blurred photos? Don't worry. There are no exotic birds, just common backyard and park birds. Have a competition with your family. Register to get Zoom link.

Audubon CT Greenwich: Warblers & Neotropical Migrants

Greenwich Audubon 613 Riversville Road, Greenwich, CT, United States

Get ready for the most exciting portion of spring bird migration by learning about the colorful champion bird travelers filling our springtime with song and color! Warblers are our most colorful spring visitors and often the most sought-after birds as they journey northward to their summer breeding grounds. Join naturalist Ryan MacLean for an introductory ... Read more


Bird Note

Online CT, United States

BirdNote Daily is a two-minute radio show that combines rich sounds with engaging stories, to illustrate the amazing lives of birds and give listeners a momentary respite from the news of the day. See


Bird Note

Online CT, United States

BirdNote Daily is a two-minute radio show that combines rich sounds with engaging stories, to illustrate the amazing lives of birds and give listeners a momentary respite from the news of the day. See


Bird Note

Online CT, United States

BirdNote Daily is a two-minute radio show that combines rich sounds with engaging stories, to illustrate the amazing lives of birds and give listeners a momentary respite from the news of the day. See
